Well, hey there everybody! I hope that your week was good. Mine, on the other hand, well, let's just say that a meteor crashing into my house would be a highlight. I have been home sick and in pain all week. I went to campus to take care of some paperwork and a meeting, but other than that, home has been my prison. Let me tell you, this is no fun. The best part of this week tho would have to be Wednesday. As most of my friends know, one of my favorite YouTubers came out with an EP called Like a Lion.
I may or may not have listened to it multiple times. I absolutely love the songs and the message of the album. I highly encourage all of you guys to get it on iTunes or wherever you buy your music from. I have been trying to eat. It's been tough since I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and gluten freeness. I realized just how much food I ate had gluten or milk in it, and it has been hard to find the food or motivation to eat. On the flip side, I am not taking my meds either. Honestly, they just make the sickness and pain worse, the pain so bad I can't move. So, at this point, I'm between a rock and a hard place. I haven't seen most of my friends in about two weeks, which if you know me, has been really hard. But, I am thankful for them because they have texted me to check up on me and see how I have been doing. Emotionally, it has been a roller-coaster. I have my good days, and my bad. Honestly, with my sickness, I just don't feel the motivation to live anymore. But, Bridey then quickly tells me all the good things about my life, and I feel better. I just want to know when all of this will end and when I will be better and be able to live a normal life. It's been a rough week. But, there's always next week. I have my appointment on Thursday, so hopefully we can find out some more stuff. We'll see. As an ending to this post, I'd like to link the music video to the song Like a Lion. You should go watch it, and listen to the lyrics. It is a wonderful song, and I hope you enjoy it. Love y'all!
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