What's up crazy hoomans? I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. Life has been crazy between tests, classes, work, and a multitude of other things. I have been practicing a lot of songs on my ukulele, and hopefully I can keep learning new songs. I am really enjoying having a creative outlet. I just can't figure out how to set my own lyrics to music. Anyone have any tips? If not, that's cool. My tattoo is healing nicely, and everyone is really liking it. I am really happy with the reactions I have gotten. I honestly was expecting more backlash from people, but I'm glad people have been open to it. Thanksgiving break is this week, and I am honestly not looking forward to it that much. I know that Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, and believe me, I am thankful for a lot, but I'm also not ready for fights and people being negative towards me. Anyways, to the big news, I completely passed the practice TExES exam!!! How awesome is that?? I am really proud of myself, and I can't wait to see how I do on the actual exam. I am going to be spending a lot of my Christmas break studying so I can take the test in the Spring of next year. Hard to believe that I am so close to being a senior in college. I am super nervous, but also super excited. I can't wait to be in the classroom and to love on the kiddos that God places in my path. Guess what guys!! It's getting close to my favorite time of year! Christmas is definately on the way, and I am so excited. I am already listening to Christmas music and feeling the festive mood. I honestly can't wait to feel the magic of the season. Now, who's ready for the songs of the week? This week you get two!!! They are "Closer than the Angels" and "That's What I'm Looking For" by Anthem Lights. I have a slight obsession, can you tell? I'll have them linked down below. Anyways, I hope y'all have a great week!

Stay Beautiful!

Closer than the Angels
That's What I'm Looking For


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