Flying By
Hey there awesome people! This week has literally flown by. Good grief. I am quickly nearing the end of the semester, and I can feel all of the things. All the feelings. Stress, anxiety, all of it. So, yeah. This week has been really busy. It is the last week of my final 5 week online class, so I'm ready to be done. This week has been okay, emotionally. It was a rough first few days, but I'm feeling better. Yesterday was really fun. I went to campus in the morning, to film a lesson plan. Yes, I enjoyed it, no, I didn't want to do it. Anyways, after that was done, I met up with Lissie, and she took me to get a pumpkin from the library to decorate. After meeting with Nate, Micah, Jordan, and LeAnne, we got carving. Well, they got carving. I hyper-extended my thumb again on Monday, so we agreed that it was better if I didn't use a knife. So, I painted instead. Lissie was nice enough to draw the Harry Potter logo on my pumpkin, and then I painted it in. After painting for a...