I'm Stronger Now
Hey you beautiful people! Bet you thought I forgot all about y'all huh? Nope! Just a late post day. This week has been a crazy busy week. Mostly yesterday and today. I've been somewhat sick again, so that's been throwing a kink into my schedule. But, I powered through it. Yesterday was Passover, and that was a whole lot of fun. We had a bunch of James's and my friends over to celebrate. It was such a fun night being able to laugh and talk with people. Bridey stayed the night, and today we went shopping! So much fun! We went to look for my dress for an upcoming event, and we found it at the first store, first dress. How awesome is that! I have been thanking God all day because I was so stressed about finding this dress. I also got a pair of Converse for half off, and that made my heart happy. We then just went around the mall and shopped and window shopped. It was so fun just to be with Bridey and have some fun. After we finished, we came back to the house and made lemo...