Thankful for Friends

Hey everybody! How was y'all's week? Mine has been an emotional roller coaster. Like, it's been insane. The past couple of days have been pretty okay tho. Physically, I'm doing well enough. My body is definitely worn down from this semester. I need so much sleep it's not even funny. But today has been relaxing. Today I saw a pic that made me think. It's so true tho! I love the humans that I have chosen tho. Firstly, there's Bridey and Kelsie. My goodness, these girls. I cannot express my gratitude to them for all the times I have invaded their dorm room, to hang out, to talk, or just to be. They opened up their room and their lives to me, and I will forever be thankful. Both of these girls are so much fun, and I can't wait for all of our adventures to come. Then, of course, there's Lissie. This girl has been with me through all of my ups and downs for the past two years, has listened to me rant about anything and everything, and has g...