New Glasses!

Hey there everybody! Sorry for the late post. I was busy yesterday and y'all just slipped from my mind. This week has been pretty good, I guess. I have still been struggling with the feeling that I am a glitch and a screwup, so TC sent me the picture he made. When I got it, I started crying because it spoke to me. I have it set as my lock screen on my phone, and I've been reading it multiple times. I also got new glasses this week! I have been needing new glasses for a couple years and I am so happy to finally have them. The clear ones are my everyday ones, and the black pair are back up ones. I got Panda colored glasses. Bridey was very happy with that connection. Only one week until Rebekah gets back, two until Bridey gets back, and three until Lissie comes back. I don't know how I'm gonna stand it. My first book is still in editing and I may have the cover squared away. I have already started on my second, and so far people like it. I hope y'all enjoy it. Anyw...