Hey there everybody! Sorry this post is late. I could't put together two thoughts for this, so I needed to just wait and think. This week has been a lay-low week. Well, to be correct, lay-low since Tuesday. I twisted my knee on Tuesday afternoon, so I haven't really been able to walk. The up side to that is my cat, Amie Grace, hasn't really left my side whenever I go out into the living room. She's pretty much the best cat ever. Kingsleigh's still alive and swimming happily. As per the title of this blog suggests, I've been doing a lot of writing lately. I started a novel about four years ago, and I recently started back up again. I've been writing a lot. Bridey, Michael, Cat and Monica have been reading it and giving me feedback to say what needs to be improved. I'm hoping to finish it this year and publish it for all of you guys to read. I've been working hard on it, and I've gotten some publishing information from a friend of mine. I had a pre...