365 Days.

One year. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. 31,536,000 seconds. That's how long you have been gone. It has been the hardest year of my life. One year without your smile. One year without your laugh. One year without your beautiful voice. One year without your love. One year without you. I've forgotten what your voice sounds like. I've forgotten what your hugs feel like. I've forgotten a lot of the little things, and that hurts like nothing I've ever felt. But I haven't forgotten the big things you've taught me. You taught me that God has bigger plans for me, how to love others, how to be myself in a world that doesn't fit me, and how to be Jesus to others. I miss you more than you ever know. I have friends that don't use my name in a mean way or make fun of me for it, and that accept me for me, just like you said I would. My heart is heavy today because you're not here. It's been one year without you. I can't wait to see you again a...